Every title that has appeared on a "Top Films" chart across supported retailer storefronts is listed in the Charting dashboard.
To find more information on the top-charting pages of various retailers, please visit the retailer pages.
The qualifications for a title to appear on a "Top Films" chart will vary from retailer to retailer. Generally, the factors for a title to chart is consumer interest around the title combined with transaction counts.
To best understand the detail of what qualifies a title for a top film chart, please reach out to the retailer.
The default view will return a grid of titles grouped by box office return, and the recent dates to quickly select the most up to date information:
Clicking into a value in the grid of any level will take you down a level with filters applied to view the data-set you are clicking on.
Each value you click on will dynamically update your filters as you navigate through each level to display the data you are selecting.
For more information on filtering the dashboards, please click here.
To see a list of charting titles with a specific box office total and charting date, click the appropriate value.
For example, the value marked, '29' represents 29 unique titles that have been on a top films chart for the box office revenue range of 1M-10M, for all tracked territories and all tracked retailers.
Once the page refreshes, titles are grouped by retailer and region:
Clicking on an intersection of retailer/region will take you to the list level for this data set:
Clicking on the 3 dots to the very right of the row will display a link to the screenshot of the charting page for the retailer to show you where this title placed:
The Charting and Placement columns will give details regarding which charting position the title took at the specified retailer on the date in question, and the placement on the home-page where the title appeared at the time.
For more information on navigating the columns in the Charting module, please click here.
For more information on Placement, please click here.
Clicking on the name of the title will display an aging report:
The aging report shows every time a title charted in this territory, including the available purchase and rental prices on that day.