Create Updates (1.0)
STOREFRONT allows users to upload a spreadsheet with all the metadata instead of entering it manually within the Create Update (1.0) module.
Note: The STOREFRONT only supports spreadsheets generated by the tool itself. Uploading a personal spreadsheet or altering the spreadsheet's format in any way may cause upload errors.
Downloading a Spreadsheet Template
To prepare a spreadsheet for download, click on and select the metadata fields to include in the spreadsheet.
By default, it displays the following metadata fields or columns in the UI.
When finished, click on Spreadsheet and from the drop-down click on Download blank.
A spreadsheet will then download to your local computer with the default filename "Updates template.xlsx". The metadata fields selected in the tool will appear as columns in the spreadsheet.
Enter metadata beginning on Line 3. The territory/region field includes a drop-down menu to select from. All other fields are open text fields.
Please Note:
- Any column left blank will not be included in the update.
- Updates will be added only from the "Updates" tab/sheet.
Uploading a Spreadsheet Template:
To upload the filled-out spreadsheet/template, click on Spreadsheet and from the drop-down click on Upload.
Locate the completed spreadsheet on your local computer and click on open.
After the spreadsheet upload completes, each update will populate in both Table and Nested Views and updates are listed in alphabetical order (by title name). At this time, it's still possible to add, remove, or edit any metadata field prior to adding the updates to a batch.
Table View
Nested View
Best Practise:
1.) Any ''Date'' columns in the spreadsheet must follow MM/DD/YYYY format.
- For the Price date range start date column enter the date like 05/02/2020 for May 2nd, 2020.
2.) Some metadata fields in the spreadsheet [Ex: Cleared for Sale, Cleared for VOD, etc...] are required to fill with just Y or N instead of Yes and No.
3.) Make sure all the required metadata fields are filled in the spreadsheet.
To avail a new territory for HD and SD BUY, the update should include the following metadata.
- Title
- Apple ID/Vendor ID
- Territory/Region
- HD Price
- SD Price
- Cleared for Sale
- EST Date range Start date
- Enable EST HD
- Rating
- Physical Release Date
4.) Territory names entered in the spreadsheet must match the territory name that appears in the drop-down.
- For territories like Moldova, Republic Of the spreadsheet territory drop-down will list this territory name as Moldova in short.
5.) By default, the cell's format in the spreadsheet will be ''Text'' even if you are entering the numbers or dates. Altering the spreadsheet's format in any way may cause upload errors.
6.) Always use only the ''Updates'' sheet in the spreadsheet to enter your metadata, creating an own sheet may cause upload errors.
7.) All rows, including hidden rows, will be added in Storefront when you upload a spreadsheet. Delete rows in the spreadsheet if you do not wish to upload the metadata.