Batch Items

Article author
Kevin Seo
  • Updated

In Updates History, you can go straight to "Batch items" without clicking a specific batch name if you want to see individual line items of all of the updates your organization has pushed through. 

Within "Batch items", you can see the information that includes the title, retailer, pricing, status of the update, and more. The "Columns" button allows you to choose your column headings. Most of those headings have been gone over in this article, but there are some that are unique to this section:


Status These are the four different types of statuses:


Delivering - The update is still being pushed through

Error - The update did not successfully go through

Success - The update successfully went through

Draft - The update is has been saved as a draft, and not gone through.

Error message - when an update fails to deliver for a title, the corresponding error message will appear here. e.g. "Invalid HDBUY Price".

Confirmation image - this is only available if you are pushing an update through to iTunes. When an update successfully or unsuccessfully goes through, the "Confirmation image" column will show a snapshot of what the title/territory looks like in iTunes Connect:


Delivered files - a link to the XML file containing the metadata that was sent through for this update

If you ever want to send an update in this tab through again, you can check the boxes next to any of the updates, or click the box next to "Batch name".  Then, click the "Re-update selected" button to send them through again:


The checkbox will only work for those that are able to be re-updated, such as those that have the status "Error". If the update was sent through successfully, then the checkbox will not select any of the batch items because they aren't able to be re-updated.

Price Check is also available for each batch item, when clicking the three ellipses to the far right:


This feature allows users to see the current pricing tiers for a title/territory in iTunes Connect. For more information on that, read our article about the functionality here.

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