Update Errors

  • Updated

After sending a batch through in Create Updates (1.0), it is possible that updates will fail to go through. Luckily, in Updates History it will show the error message for why an update failed to go through. 

Below are the error groups that will appear next to a batch item. The more specific error message will appear in the UI, and we give a number of examples per each group:

Territory not found

  • The tool couldn't locate the territory included in an update on the retailer's back-end. As an example, this could be due to invalid territory information that was included in the spreadsheet upload (e.g. invalid territory abbreviations).

Missing required metadata

  • Additional metadata fields are required in order to deliver an update. There are a number of reasons this error group would appear: ratings weren't inputted in your batch, no VOD type was selected, missing HD prices, and so on.

Metadata is not editable

  • Our tool wasn't able to update the metadata included in an update. This could be for a number of reasons: allowing pre-order isn't editable, or perhaps the Movies Anywhere status isn't as well. If this error occurs, a user may have to reach out to your iTunes representative to troubleshoot the issue.

Invalid metadata

  • The metadata included in an update is invalid. This is the most common error group that shows up, and it could be for a number of reasons--the start and/or end dates are invalid due to date formats being incorrect, an end date comes before the start date, the price tiers included in the batch don't match what's in ITC, and so forth. 

Incorrect username or password

  • The user's ITC login information is incomplete, or incorrect. This would need to be updated before pushing any updates through. 

ID not found

  • Our module couldn't locate the retailer ID included in an update on the retailer's back-end.

Update did not take place

  • This error group will appear if ITC is unavailable, or if is a problem saving the information. If this error appears and is not related to ITC, we recommend contacting our support team at  support@storefrontmanagement.zendesk.com.