Provider Exception Specific Filters

Article author
Matt Kim
  • Updated


Provider exceptions

Additional filters are included in this module which can be found under the Other, drop-down menu:

  • Exception type
  • Exception reason
  • Exception status
  • Value score
  • Has live ID
  • Flag status
  • Created
  • Flagged by 



1. Exception types

This filter allows users to narrow down results based on the exception type displayed. For more information on exception types, click here.



2. Exception reason

Exception reasons are detailed explanations for why a title or offer is flagged as an exception. For more details on reasons and their definitions, click here.



3. Exception Status

Exception status is available for any providers where exception fix functionality is turned on. The exception status defines where in the fix process each exception is, allowing users to check if it's open or pending. 



4. Has live ID

When viewing exceptions, the Live ID filter will default to hide exceptions with a Live ID, to make it easier to find exceptions that need attention. For more information on Live ID, click here. 



5. Flag status

Users can filter by the status of the exception.

There are 2 statuses users can filter between:

Valid Flagging: titles that are ready for review 

Archived Flagging: removes titles from view

Archiving exceptions allows users to remove those titles from view and focus only on what users truly care about. Please note, when users archive an exception it will be archived across all users accounts. For more information on archiving exceptions, click here


Flagging exceptions allows users to limit their view to only relevant and specific data. For more information on Exception Flagging, click here

6. Created

Search when the exception was created. Here users can select a time frame for search.



7. Flagged by

Here users can search by the user that most recently flagged the exception.


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