Search Terms and What They Mean

Article author
Robert Grayson
  • Updated

In STOREFRONT most data is accessed using either a Title, Provider ID (PID), Retailer ID (RID), or Vendor ID (VID).

Below you can find a descriptions for what each of these items are and how they are used:

Retailer ID:

This ID number will be tied to the specific retail instance your title is live on and can be found in the stores URL.

Provider ID:

Provider ID is studio specific and will pull up all records of your title across all retailers and territories.


You can also search for just the title of the series you wish to see results for. This functions almost exactly the same as using a provider ID.

Vendor ID:

Vendor ID is for iTunes only. For some studios Vendor ID and Provider ID may be interchangeable while for others it is a separate and unique identifier.

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