Master title definition

Article author
Matt Kim
  • Updated

What is a master title?

There is a master title for every film and tv episode that exists in the STOREFRONT database. All assets from movies to tv episodes have a master title. The master title serves as the main record for an asset, as well as providing the main identifiers like the title itself, and the year.

All cuts or versions of a title will be listed under this master title.

Note: Master titles cuts and/or versions will vary from territory to retailer. 



Why do we need master titles? 

Master titles allow us to easily identify content by grouping the same assets at the master level. This simplifies the process of searching for titles and prevents titles from being incorrectly identified.

For example, the master title Blade Runner below has various cuts and versions which are all listed under this main master title.



Another example is if the title is available in multiple languages. In these instances, the titles might appear differently on the store.

Below is the title Blade Runner in French or in Spanish (or any other language) on our STOREFRONT. Notice the title can have various languages displayed and/or cuts.

The various cuts and versions for Blade Runner will all roll up under the one main master title.


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