Resetting a Lost or Forgotten User Password
If a user has forgotten their password, they can reset it by going through our password assistance processes on our UI.
Change Password from Log-In
To reset a password:
Users must use their email address in the following steps.
First, enter the email address that is associated with the Premiere Digital STOREFRONT account and click on Next:
Next, the page will refresh and take users to the STOREFRONT log-in Dashboard.
Click on Don't remember your password?
Enter the email address that is associated with the account and click on SEND EMAIL:
Change Password from Settings Page
Once a user is logged-in to STOREFRONT they must confirm that their account is selected in the upper-right corner. Then they must scroll down until they find their account name.
Once the account name is found, click on Change Password:
Next, the page will refresh and there will be a confirmation message. The message will say that a link has been sent to the user's email address to reset their password.
Change Password from Drop-Down
To access and update settings, sign-in to the STOREFRONT UI, then navigate to the username in the upper-right section of the navigation bar. Here users can also change their password.
From the drop-down menu, select Change password
Next, the page will refresh and there will be a confirmation message. The message will say that a link has been sent to the user's email address to reset their password.
How to Update your Password
Check the email that is associated with the user's STOREFRONT account for a message from Premiere Digital. The email will come from an address ending in
Note: If a user doesn't see the email in their account, check the spam folder.
Follow the directions in the email:
Next, the Change Password view will prompt will load and the user will be asked to update their password:
Password requirements:
Once users confirm their new password, click the orange arrow:
Finally, users will see this confirmation message
If users are still having trouble resetting their password, they can contact