Provider Name Editor

Article author
Adam Brainin
  • Updated

The Provider Name Editor allows users to roll-up certain providers into a single provider name in Aggregate Search. Users can create one or multiple provider names, and then group one or multiple providers with each provider name utilizing this feature.


This may be a crucial tool for providers if their titles appear under multiple provider names at a single retailer. For example, if provider "Premiere" notices that their content exists at the same retailer under two different provider names (e.g. "Studio DE" and "Studio US"), the Provider Name Editor will allow provider "Premiere" to group these two different names into one provider in Aggregate Search.


To navigate to the Provider Name Editor, go to Settings. Then, under Storefront Site-wide settings, click on "Organizations". 




In the list of organizations, find the name of your organization, and click on the "..." at the right. A dropdown will appear and you will find and "Edit" button. This button will redirect you to the Provider Name Editor.


In the Provider Name Editor, you can title of the provider group in the Display name text box. 


From there, you can create a custom Display Name per each provider. The available providers to include in the group can be found by clicking the text box in the Providers section:


Additional providers can be added using the Add Row button at the bottom of the page. Once you are finished, hit Save. 



You will now be able to filter for your newly created provider group in the Aggregate Search module under Provider. For more information on using the Aggregate Search module in STOREFRONT, click here



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